
This is the official SYMETAL S.A. LinkedIn company page, where we encourage you to post your comments under our updates, photos, videos and/or links.
It is important to know that SYMETAL S.A. LinkedIn company page has been created based on LinkedIn’s Terms and Conditions and that you agree with these terms when you access the page.
SYMETAL S.A.’s LinkedIn company page is intended to serve as a digital platform that would provide information regarding the Company's products and services that apply to or are of interest to SYMETAL S.A.’s followers. Any comments posted by followers on this page do not necessarily reflect the views or values of SYMETAL S.A. or its employees.
SYMETAL S.A. will be monitoring everything that is posted on its page and reserves the right to upload and/or share at its discretion, only links, news, highlights and information which serve the Company’s image in a respectful manner. It also reserves the right to remove any content it determines unsuitable or offensive without prior notice. For this reason, it is advisable to check the content before you post it.
In this regard, any material and/or content posted should not:
♦ Contain defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, offensive, religious intolerance or racist comments or violate the rights of third parties in any way, shape or form.

♦ Contain viruses, corrupted files or any other electronic code, program or files designed to destroy or constrain the operation of any software or telecommunication equipment belonging to third parties, or to prevent other users from using this page.

♦ Provide information related to the creator's identity, legal announcements or ownership.

♦ Constitute advertising content.

♦ Contain software or other material which relates to rights protected by applicable national or international legislation, such as intellectual property rights, and rights to privacy and to personal data protection. Cases in which the user is the holder of such rights or has obtained all of the necessary consents and/or licences are expressly excluded.

♦ Provide misleading information regarding the origin of software or any other material that is contained in files uploaded to the page.

♦ Offend public decency and morality, or the integrity and dignity of any public, administrative or church authority or any third party.
We understand that LinkedIn is a 24/7 social medium; however, since our moderation capacity is not active around the clock, we may not be able to address every single inappropriate comment on a real time basis. In this regard, we trust the maturity of our community to disregard personal attacks and negative speech and/or respond in accordance with the present guidelines.
Thank you for reading our updates and for following SYMETAL S.A. on LinkedIn.