Contribution to Clim’Foot project
Clim’Foot is a European project to calculate greenhouse gas emissions produced by companies and entities. The objective is to gather useful data to develop CO2 reduction strategies and policies; public and private organizations will be involved on a voluntary basis. Specifically, 14 out of 90-in-total public and private organizations participating, come from Greece.
The project aims are: preparing informative material and courses to train experts in Carbon Footprint of Organizations (CFO) calculation; implementing national databases comprising greenhouse gases from different sectors; creating a cooperation platform with knowledge sharing materials and resources.
Scientific institutions of five European countries – Italy, France, Croatia, Greece and Hungary – are taking part in the initiative. The consortium is also composed of two private-sector partners from Italy and France.
ADEME will coordinate the LIFE Clim’Foot project under a 3-year LIFE contract, from September 2015 to August 2018 with a budget of €1.4 million over the 3 years.
Symetal is proud of participating in this initiative along with other Greek organizations.
For more information on Clim’Foot, you can visit the website: