

Symetal values Corporate Responsibility as one of the major prerequisites to Sustainable Development. The principles of sustainability guide and shape our activities and initiatives, as well as business decisions. 
Within this framework the Company implements a long-term development plan based on specific objectives and strategic priorities that include:
  • Focusing on our people, inspiring them to continuously grow and develop themselves professionally and providing a safe working environment.
  • Protecting and respecting the natural environment.
  • Maintaining and continuously improving the outstanding quality of the products and services we offer to our customers.
  • Encouraging partnership with suppliers who implement responsible corporate practices in their entire supply chain.
  • Maintaining close ties with local communities, with continuous contribution to their growth and needs.
Symetal implements a comprehensive Sustainability policy in respect of the above mentioned key issues.
Read Symetal’s Sustainability Policy
Occupational health and safety
Symetal recognizes the importance of health and safety in all its activities and makes every possible effort to achieve and maintain the highest standards of accident prevention. Our top priority is the health and safety assurance of our employees and associates.
Our commitment in the field of occupational health and safety is to establish a working environment free of risks, injuries, accidents and occupational diseases. This is accomplished by:
  • Implementing a certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001)
  • Monitoring our efficiency on health and safety issues through key performance indicators and applying corrective and preventive methods so as to ensure continuous improvement in this sector.
  • Identifying and evaluating potential risks on health and safety and taking preventive measures to eliminate them.
  • Ensuring the continuous update and training of our human resources and associates on occupational health and safety issues.
  • Implementing a number of investments annually.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Symetal manages health and safety issues through the application of its Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Symetal’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (covers all company production facilities) is based on prevention and seeks to ensure continuous improvement on occupational health and safety conditions. The system focuses on our people to ensure their safety at work and requires that all employees (and associates) participate and contribute.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Care for society
The company’s policy and strategy includes offering and displaying responsible attitude towards society.
Within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility, the company supports local communities by promoting programs and actions concerning society, the environment, disadvantaged social groups, culture and health. Additionally, Symetal aims at contributing to the economic development of the local community by offering job and business opportunities (hiring local people and selection of local suppliers is a priority).
Sustainability Reports
In line with our commitment towards sustainable development and aiming at better and continuously informing our stakeholders, Symetal’s responsible operation information is briefly presented in ElvalHalcor’s Sustainability Report, which is published on an annual basis.

Visit ElvalHalcor’s Sustainability Report to learn more about Symetal’s sustainability progress and performance.